👋 Hello, I am

Cally Ezzell

Aspiring Front-end Developer based in the United States

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My featured projects created as a part of my training through SheCodes👩‍💻

Exercise project preview

Exercise Project

I built this landing page upon the completion of SheCodes Basics. This workshop was also my very first experience with coding of any kind. During this training, I learned and practiced HTML, CSS, and basic JavaScript skills. I also became familiar with using popular coding technology such as Visual Studio Code.

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Weather Project

This project was built as a part of my next training, SheCodes Plus. I became more familiar with advanced HTML, CSS, and Javascript during this workshop. I also learned to incorporate new technologies, including Bootstrap, Git, GitHub, and API Integration. This project specifically included HTML, CSS, and basic API Integration.

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Weather project preview
Waether app preview

Weather App

This project was also built as a part of my, SheCodes Plus. training. I learned how to integrate and build on top of a live API throughout this workshop. This project includes HTML, CSS, JavaScrip, Bootstrap, and advanced API Integration.

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